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MWPISD Gifted and Talented Nominations

Nominations for the district’s Gifted and Talented program will be accepted until, January 31, 2025, for students in Kindergarten-11th grade. MWPISD defines the “gifted and talented student” as a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment (TEC 29.121). Gifted and talented students are found in all cultures, socioeconomic groups, geographic locales, and environments.  Teachers, parents, or counselors may nominate students in grades K-11. The screening committee will review and evaluate appropriate data and will determine the final decision for placement options in the GT program.  Nomination forms may be obtained from your school offices or the contact listed on the linked flyer per respective campus. You may either email or call to request a nomination form. You can also come by any school office to pick one up.
Gifted and Talented Information Flyer

Mission Statement

The Monahans-Wickett-Pyote Independent School District believes that it is responsible for providing quality curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs and activities which give all students opportunities to reach their maximum potential and become productive citizens of our community and country

Vision Statement

Monahans-Wickett-Pyote Independent School District, with children as its first priority, strives to provide a safe, rigorous, stimulating academic environment in which students find both challenge and support to exceed state and federal standards while acquiring skills to make life-long choices.
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It is the policy of Monahans Wickett Pyote ISD
not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, or age, and if applicable, provide equal access
to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.
MWPISD’s Title IX Coordinator – 
Mr. Chad Smith